
Obama Supporters Promise To Hold Their Breath Until They Get Their Way

What's that sound?? Sounds like the disgruntled left whining and complaining -- yet again -- about another "unfair" debate. They didn't talk about anything substantive...It was all personality politics...ABC News is in the tank for Hills...Charlie Gibson and Georgy Boy are evil, etc. etc.

All the angry vitriol by the people at daily Kos, Salon commenters, etc. leads me to one conclusion: Obama didn't do very well in that debate. In fact Hills likely had a decisive victory.

Newsflash people: it's the 21st Democratic debate. You've been watching it for 15 months. You can only reinvent the wheel talking about policy so many times. I hear the common refrain that the moderator didn't ask many questions about the economy or substantive Iraq pull-out strategies. If you don't know what their policies are and you don't have Internet access to Barry or Hill's websites, then I don't know what to do for you. They've been talking about it for over a year now. We all know where they stand so any whining that the moderators were biased against thoughtful discussion is disingenuous. Obama was finally attacked -- and he was hit hard -- by the moderators, and the microphallic Left (MPL) is pouting. I'm surprised they don't blame Nader for something just for kicks.

The discussion about Reverend Wright, the issue with the flagpin, and the William Ayers controversy are all topics that are out there and have to be discussed somewhere. I know, for all you intellectuals who love talking policy, it's offensive to your delicate sensibilities. How gauche?! I know, I know. But guess what? That debate wasn't just for you. It was for the entire country (Pennsylvania voters, actually). It was for the swing voters who still have questions in their mind about Obama's leftist tendencies. The truth of the matter is people who watch Faux News vote too, believe it or not. And, no matter what you think of them, these are issues are in their mind. These are things they think about.

Everyday Americans who don't live in Manhattan or anywhere near New England do think Obama may be Muslim. Some of them actually do make a vague association in their mind with Al Qaeda sleeper cell. It's the same train of though that associates Iran with Iraq, and Saddam Hussein with Osama bin Laden and Barack Hussein Obama. If these issues aren't addressed in some form or fashion, people who would otherwise vote for Obama might easily associate him with that Marx fellow or not wearing a flagpin or not being proud of one's country or thinking of middle-Americans as rural, uneducated backwood folk. Ignore these people at your own risk and allow LimbaughHannityRove to define him as a LeftyPinkoCommyAmericaHatingRadical- -Muslim. Or make the effort to speak to them so that they hear you.

Obama hasn't been questioned on anything significant for the first 10 months. He's had a free ride. And now that someone actually bothers to look into his past, all of the sudden it's dirty attack politics.

re: Rev. Wright
It is a fair enough question: Obama never sat in on a sermon where Rev. Wright said something that mainstream America would call hateful and un-American? I actually love Rev. Wright. I come from another part of the world so Rev. Wright's perspective is something I understand and relate to. It's not Un-American. It's calling it like it is. I know where it comes from. Obama does too, but he can't admit that.

Obama probably has been in the pews when Rev. Wright said something particularly disagreeable. But, sitting there in the pew, Obama had no idea simply being present in a church as his pastor is mouthing off would be something he'd need apologize for.

re: flagpin
There are things to be said about Obama's judgment that hadn't come to light until the past few months. Why the hell doesn't the idiot just wear the stupid flagpin?! If for no other reason than it wouldn't ever surface as an issue. Why use the flagpin as a flashpoint to let people attack your patriotism? That's just a dumb move.

re: Being proud of your country (finally)
Dumb move. Why say it? She's a smart lawyer who went to two Ivy league schools. She's not some random woman off the street. It speaks to a larger level of lazinesss. Less is more, Michelle.

re: "bitter"
Barry, you ought to know better than anyone that decent people who are different from you sometimes say inaccurate and insensitive things without realizing how or why it's offensive. Be smarter.

re: William Ayers
This shouldn't be a major issue. It really shouldn't. But, guess what? It's going to be. Faux News is going to hammer him on this one.

re: superdelegates
If Obama does get hobbled to the point of being a seriously injured candidated, wouldn't it be a good thing those superdelegates are in place? Not that I care one way or the other about the Democratic party. Personally, I am in favor of Armageddon.

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